It gives me great pleasure and honour to extend a warm greeting to you on our website, which serves as one of our digital public communication channel for the dissemination of public information. This website helps us accomplish our goals and fulfil our obligations by enhancing and supporting our operations.
With its own juridical identity, the Ethiopian Deposit Insurance Fund (EDIF) was founded in accordance with Council of Ministers Regulation No. 482/2021, and the Fund is accountable to the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE). The role of the Fund is to contribute to financial system stability by protecting depositors in the event of bank or a microfinance institution fails to discharge its obligation to its depositors.
Our mission is to protect depositors and contributes into financial system stability by assessing and collecting premiums, investing and managing resources of EDIF, and reimbursing insured depositors. Whilst our vision is “to be one of a reliable and trusted Deposit Insurance Fund.” Towards the achievements of the vision and mission, EDIF is engaging in different activities which include premium collection from member financial institutions, investing of collected premiums in appropriate way and creating and enhancing public awareness on deposit insurance system of the country.
Therefore, we use this website to share with the public important information about the country’s deposit insurance system, including its benefits and limitations, updates on the Fund’s progress and accomplishments, list of its member financial institutions, Fund’s publications, and any other pertinent information that we believe will help to raise public awareness and boost the nation’s depositors’ confidence. However, we do not intend to make this website as a one way communication, but two-way channel. As you navigate around the website, you can find our ‘Contact Us’ option to send us your feedback, comments and suggestions which are very helpful for us to align our activities and performances to your needs. By this, I also respectfully request member financial institutions to add this website as their partner and link to their own website to facilitate flow of information to the general public.
Thank you!
– Dr Desalegn Ambaw, CEO